кода: 0PKS05
PKS-1K Operates with all panels eternally
No need for SAK contactor
No need for KAK contactor, it contains it in itself.
Generates 220 VAC for automatic door. Produces 220 VAC during rescue
If the elevator is revision, AT THE REVISION NO RESCUE†warning appears on the LCD screen and rescue is not executed.
In case of power failure, it undertakes safety circuits on itself and cuts off the power to feeding transformer and saves the lift by checking the safety circuits.
Selection for position of the JF contact at floor (open/close)
Period of time until the lift stops after Stopper
Bi-stable (JF) is perceived can be adjusted.
The maximum running time, movement time after JF cut off, period of time from lock cut off until it reaches to JF and the language can be selected with the LCD screen on PKS-1K
Errors and operation process can be monitored by LCD screen on PKS 1K
Rescue time can be adjusted
By feeding the door continuously during whole rescue time and giving command to close, it ensures that automatic door remains closed.
Provides energy from 4 or 5 dry accumulator. Does not continuously charge the accumulators. Stops charging when the batteries are full and every month discharges the accumulators with their own load and charges again.
Very easy to adapt to the elevator panel
Can be applied in single-speed, double speed or speed-controlled panels
Turkish and English languages are available in language menu
In case of power failure, if the elevator is at the floor and the automatic door is closed, opens the automatic door and allows eVAC uation of passengers
Selects easiest movement direction in rescue and allows rescue and prevents strain on the accumulator
Operates open circuit
The Lirpump operates without power. There is 220VAC lirpump outlet and it is possible to control the PW door with this outlet. Box Weight : 24 kg Box Dims : 42x55x18 cm³ Box Units : 1 Unit