
Based on the development of HD50 series highperformance vector control AC drive, HD5L dedicates to the elevator industry products. Electrical / Electrical

o Input voltage / Input voltage
1 phase / phase 200 – 240 V
3 phase / phase 200 – 240 V
3 phase / phase 380 – 460 V
Fluctuation / Fluctuating within ± 10%,
Imbalance Rate / Imbalance rate < 3%
o Input frequency
50/60Hz ± 5%
o Output voltage / Output voltage
0- input voltage / Input voltage
o Output frequency
0 – 100.00Hz

Performance / Performance

o Control mode / Control mode
V/f, SVC, VC
o Maximum current / Maximum current
150% of rated output current for 2 minutes, 180% of rated output current for 10 seconds / 150% rated output current crrrent 2 minutes, 180% rated output current 10 seconds
o Operation command / Operation command
Keypad, Terminals, Communication / Panel, Terminals, Communication
o Speed ​​setting / Speed ​​setting
Digital, Analog, Communication / Digital, Analog, Communication
o Speed ​​resolution / Speed ​​resolution
Digital setting / Digital setting: 0.01Hz
Analog setting / Analog setting: 0.1% × max-frequency
Speed ​​control accuracy / Speed ​​control accuracy : ± 0.5%
Speed ​​control range / Speed ​​control range : 1 : 100 Torque
Control response / Torque control response: < 200ms
Starting torque / Start torque: 180% of rated torque / rated-torque / 0.5Hz
he VC
Speed ​​control accuracy / Speed ​​control accuracy: ± 0.05%
180% rated-torque/ 0.5Hz
Speed ​​control range / Speed ​​control range : 1 : 1000
Torque control response / Torque control response: < 50ms
Starting torque / Start torque: 200% of rated torque / rated-torque/ 0Hz

Input / Output – Input / output

o Analog power supply / Analog power supply
+10V, maximum current / maximum current 100mA
-10V, maximum current / maximum current 10mA
o Digital power supply / Digital power supply
+24V, maximum current / maximum current 200mA
o Analog inputs / Analog inputs
AI1: Voltage / Voltage-10 – +10 V
AI2 – AI4: -10 – +10V/0 – 20mA (selectable voltage/current – selectable voltage/current)
AI4 supports differential input / support the differential input
o Analog outputs / Analog outputs
AO 1 – A O2: 0 – 10V /0 – 20m A (selectable voltage/current / selectable voltage/current)
o Digital inputs / Digital inputs
DI1 – DI12
o Digital outputs / Digital outputs
DO1 – DO2
o Relay outputs
R2A/R2B/R2C – R4A/R4B/R4C
Contact ratings / Contact ratings: 250VAC /3A or 30VDC/1A

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